Alessio Caiazza

Il sapere umano appartiene al mondo.

This is really cool Lorenzo!

I’d like to suggest you take a look at the indieweb movement.

There are new technologies, like webmentions that you could use to implement likes and reply in a federated way.

And a static site like yours (or mine), can leverage as a free backend.

As an example, this reply was posted on my own site, and syndicated here on your Disqus.

( 59X9YE)

sorry for the trouble!

Please don’t feel sorry for this, you made a lot available for free to all of us.

Thanks for checking.

My site is statically generated and I implemented newbase60 deterministic short links with javascript redirects (not the best option).

I have 2 options I can apply easily:

  1. add webmention links in <head> in the shortlink pages, but then will send mentions to my canonical URL or to the permashortlink?
  2. this is more complex to implement, but I could generate a config file that will force the webserver to issue 302 redirects for the permashortlinks.

Will option n. 1 be enough for fixing this?

( 59VH0G)

Hello. My name is Alessio Caiazza. I'm also known as nolith. I love writing code and technology. I'm passionate about production engineering.

This is where I write my thoughts trying to follow IndieWeb principles.

Staff Backend Engineer, Delivery @ GitLab


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"Il sapere umano appartiene al mondo."

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